
“Play With Identities” – Architects meet in Selinunte 2018

P1 July 2018

“Everything is history, everything is conteporary”. This year, for the second time, Archicura has been invited to the Architect meeting that took part, for its 8th edition, at the Parco Archeologico di Selinunte, organized by the Associazione Italiana Architettura e Critica – presS/Tfactory, where architects, designers and specialists discussed about different topics. At the exhibition, we presented the project of the Cascina Adelaide winery, in Barolo.

21st, 22nd, 23rd of June 2018

Parco Archeologico di Selinunte

Castelvetrano – Selinunte (TP)

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We moved! FFLAG

P31 July 2017

What is Fflag? Fflag is a multidisciplinary space hosting four units and producing communication, art and architecture. We are Flag too, with Bellissimo and the Beast, WNA architects and Almanac Inn. What they say about us? You can read us on some articles: La Repubblica (the 28th of July, Olga Gambari), La Stampa (the 6th of June, Ilaria Dotta) or, if you need to see to believe, come visit us! We are located in via Reggio 13 since the first of January. And if you hurry you will enjoy the ongoing exhibition: Fabulous Failures – by Erik Kessels (for details: Fabulous Failures).
We have a website too: FFLAG. And a facebook page: Facebook – FFLAG

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Books: Archicura on cover

P15 July 2017

“The book inspects the story of architecture of parish complexes in the years between the Second Vatican Council and the beginning of the new Millennium, through the analysis of thirty italian cases study”
Between the selected projects, there is also our Church of Transfiguration, built in Mussotto d’Alba, as a representative social product in which the Community operates and reflects itself.
The book emphasizes the importance of the Parish and its interpretation of the architectural work, the relationship between architectural process and ecclesistical practices, the improvements and the modifications generated on the so-called “never finished construction sites”: churches.
(Storie di chiese Storie di comunità, progetti cantieri architetture, Andrea Longhi, Gangemi Editore, Roma, 2017)

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Pulpit Rock Church – International ideas competition of architecture – Norway

P8 July 2017

We tell you a story…
We leave the calm fjiord and we rise towards a meditative path.
The way evolves through small trails with small vegetation, lost in the greatness of the fjord.
The tiny bushes thin out while we move forward, leaving place to irregular and hard stones, until we get to the “Pulpit of Preikostelen”.
We get to the summit tired and astonished and exited, dazzled by the light and the wind, in the infinity of the fjord.
In such an exposed place, we look for a moment of calmness, for a shelter.
A small building stands from the side of the mountain, grasped to the rocky wall; the light shows the entrance and emphasizes the structure of two overlapping surfaces that define the shelter.
We enter in a measured and comfortable space that takes us back to our dimension and tells us something immense through the use of light.
In this new state of serenity we come back to thought of the everyday life, as if it was just a repeatable flux of events.

Ideas competition proposed by AWRcompetition – Architecture Workshop in Rome

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Archicura takes part in “co//ateral” – Architects meet in Selinunte 2017

P1 July 2017

Archicura has been invited to take part in the study days organised at the Parco Archeologico di Selinunte by the Associazione Italiana Architettura e Critica – presS/Tfactory, where architects, designers and specialists discussed about different topics, like “building and rebuilding on the pre-existence”. In our speech, we presented the recently concluded works for the new Sancassiano S.p.a. offices, in Roddi (CN).

29th June – 1st July 2017
Parco Archeologico di Selinunte
Castelvetrano – Selinunte (TP)

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attico p.m.f.

P25 June 2017

Adapting to new dynamics, modifing the space, creating new connections. To take active part in the existing urban fabric is a real anthropological practice.

This project proposal is the proof of what just said: time passes, generations grow and buildings transform, modeling the interiors depending on needs and trends.
We aim to give an extra possibility to the architectural space, by introducing the idea of transformation in the project concept: a dynamic and interacting pop up surface, capable to modify the space depending on uses and to include all the service rooms which guarantee the confort.

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Villa Silen(t)e – Silent House

P20 June 2017

Recently we are practicing in pleasant exercises of experimentation: functions, purposes, passions and different needs contribute to the definition of the residential space.
In this atmosphere, our new investigation takes place: the project for a rehearsal studio inside an existing building.
Materials and reshaped volumes contribute to the construction of our sound, Stay tuned!

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P9 October 2016

Archicura participates in the contest for the liturgical adjustment and the design of the sacred space of the Cathedral of S. Maria del Bosco in Cuneo with a multidisciplinary team composed by architects, historians, young artists and liturgists.
The contest has been published by the Diocesi di Cuneo in agreement with the Parish and the Chapter of the S. Maria del Bosco Cathedral, in collaboration with the Ufficio Beni Culturali Ecclesiastici ed Edilizia per il Culto diocesano.
The biggest complication has been the approach to the many historical pre-existing layers. The plan of the Cathedral is circular, with a central dome. Therefore, we proposed to move the Sacred Space, or Communio, (today collocated in the presbytery) to the center of the dome projection. This choice is justified by the the original form of the church. Consequently, the assembly of believers is set around the altar. This solution realizes the idea of the active participation of the believers to a shared identity.

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We framed it!

P10 August 2016

A project that gets bigger in order to follow the needs of an activity that grows. We took the opportunity of the Cascina Adelaide enlargement to add some details to the ancient farm, by redecorating its facades. At the entrance: a new shelter protects the workers arrival and a portal is ready to bring them to an other dimension, the dimension of wine with its fragile transformation processes and silent aging.

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Reshaping the land / Wine cellar

P4 May 2016

An upgrading project that speeks about us, about our passions and our territories.

Archicura srengthens its experience in the land of good wine, by proposing a project of enlargement and renovation, strongly connected the the surrounding place.

A new wine cellar and new processing and storage areas are designed for an ancient farm located in the heart of the Langhe hills area.

First, the concept focuses on the upgrading of the existing buildings, related to the tradition, with a technical adaptation to contemporary requirements. Then, new highly efficient and dynamic spaces are carefully introduced in this unique environment.

Preliminary project

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