Pulpit Rock Church – International ideas competition of architecture – Norway

8 July, 2017 Published by Leave your thoughts

We tell you a story…
We leave the calm fjiord and we rise towards a meditative path.
The way evolves through small trails with small vegetation, lost in the greatness of the fjord.
The tiny bushes thin out while we move forward, leaving place to irregular and hard stones, until we get to the “Pulpit of Preikostelen”.
We get to the summit tired and astonished and exited, dazzled by the light and the wind, in the infinity of the fjord.
In such an exposed place, we look for a moment of calmness, for a shelter.
A small building stands from the side of the mountain, grasped to the rocky wall; the light shows the entrance and emphasizes the structure of two overlapping surfaces that define the shelter.
We enter in a measured and comfortable space that takes us back to our dimension and tells us something immense through the use of light.
In this new state of serenity we come back to thought of the everyday life, as if it was just a repeatable flux of events.

Ideas competition proposed by AWRcompetition – Architecture Workshop in Rome

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This post was written by archicura

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